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Lower house summoned by Nepal President on March 7


The presidential order to summon the House meeting follows the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli’s move to dissolve the House on December 20

Nepal’s President Bidya Devi Bhandari on Monday summoned the session of the House of Representatives on March 7, days after the apex court reinstated the lower house in a landmark verdict.
President Bhandari called for the commencement of House on recommendation of Government of Nepal, in accordance with Article 93 (1) of the Constitution of Nepal, according to a notice issued by the President’s Office on Monday.
As per the notice, the 275-member lower house will begin at 4:00 p.m. on the slated date.
The presidential order to summon the House meeting follows the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli’s move to dissolve the House on December 20.
A five-member constitutional bench led by Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher last week annulled the Mr Oli government’s “unconstitutional” decision to dissolve the lower house of Parliament.
The court had ordered the government to summon the House session within the next 13 days.

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